Brother Armin Luistro, FSC, Superior General of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, highlighted Blessed James Miller, FSC, in his December 2024 pastoral letter.
Titled “Our Heart in the Peripheries: Renewing the Lasallian Mission With Lessons From Indigenous Peoples,” the pastoral letter contains a series of vignettes and reflections about the Lasallian family that focus on learning from the traditional wisdom and experience of Indigenous communities around the world.
The document includes a letter Brother James wrote to his family and friends in December 1981, just a month and a half before he was martyred.
Brother James’ letter speaks of beauty of Guatemala and the deep respect and dignity he holds for the people of Huehuetenango: “The Indians are industrious farmers, honest, peace-loving, simple people whose hospitality is proverbial. I always find it a joy to visit the homes of the boys from the Indian Center.”
He also writes of the challenging realities of illiteracy, nutrition and funding programs, as well as the widespread violence. “I am personally weary of violence, but I continue to feel a strong commitment to the suffering poor of Central America,” he said.
The letter reveals the deep faith he possessed in his intention to return to Guatemala amid the uncertainty and violence in the country, and the persecution the church faced. Brother James wrote, “I pray to God for the grace and strength to serve him faithfully by my presence among the poor and oppressed of Guatemala. I place my life in his providence; I place my trust in him.”
Read the pastoral letter here.
The full text of the Christmas letter is also available on our Resources page.