Pilgrimage to the Grave of Blessed James

National Eucharistic Pilgrimage

Catholics from across the U.S. and world joined together to walk alongside the Blessed Sacrament in preparation for the National Eucharistic Congress July 17-21 in Indianapolis. Pilgrims along the northern Marian route stopped at the grave of Blessed James Miller on Monday, June 10, in Custer, Wisconsin. Brother Larry Schatz, FSC, led a morning prayer service by the grave of Brother James, and pilgrims had the opportunity to speak with Brother James’ siblings.

In a reflection, Christian Brothers Conference executive director Tom Southard shared his experience of journeying to this small rural town and learning about the local community’s deep connectedness with one another and Brother James.

The Witness of Blessed James Miller

By Tom Southard

On Monday, June 10, the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage stopped at St. Martin Church Cemetery in Custer, Wisconsin — population: 2,532. This seemingly unremarkable rural churchyard has hundreds of graves dating back to the mid-19th century, when St. Martin’s was the German parish and nearby St. Joseph’s was the Polish parish.  

This small site houses the final resting place of Blessed James Miller, martyr and Brother of the Christian Schools.  

Not knowing what to expect, I arrived about 90 minutes before the pilgrims and encountered Mr. Yenter, who was walking through the rows of graves praying the rosary. A few years ago, Mr. Yenter retired from the local paper mill and has since assisted with the upkeep of the cemetery at the now-closed parish. He had just finished setting up chairs for the family and close friends of Brother James who would be arriving shortly. As he came to greet me, he was excited to point out the Miller family farm that was within sight of Brother James’ grave. He told me what an honor it was to help out with the cemetery and to take care of Brother James’ grave.  

Want to further his cause?

It’s only through your sharing that his canonization is possible. Send us your stories of Brother James, tell others about his life and invoke his intercession.